Welcome to BlueDragon Studios

News about DragonFire:

11/17/04 The website has undergone a huge redesign recently and the new homepage has a nifty yellow "sitebar" that houses links within this site, and links to other tech related sites. Look at the new blog hosted here also, BDBlog! Currently, active development of DragonFire has been suspended because with school, I don't have enough free time to support it.

    Currently dragonfire is under development so many bugs are to be expected. We hope to finish version 1.0
by next august (Upadated: as you can see we didn't meet our deadline by a long shot, so DF is now deemed to be "Done when it's Done")so all the help we can get would be appreciated. If you want to help out with the development of DragonFire, e-mail the web master at A_lightsaber@hotmail.com. if you want to download an alpha of DragonFire now, head over to the Downloads Section.

DragonFire is written entirely in python. If you have any experience in python and you want to help us out,
email A_lightsaber@hotmail.com. If you want to learn more about the python programming language, head over to www.python.org 5/1/04

<>9/9/04 After a late night session of programming, I'm taking off the wraps of a new version of DragonFire, 0.0.7! The file(s) should be in the download section by morning.
6/30/04  Two new things are up today. DragonFire 0.0.6 at the downloads section, and a new Forum for BlueDragon Studios. Post your questions and support requests there.

5/22/04 The new version is up (finally) you can find it at the downloads section. Enjoy : )

5/22/04 Code Lyoko is now being hosted at BlueDragon's website! Check out that page here


Sorry for the delay in postings about DragonFire, I was trying to catch up on schoolwork. A new version of DragonFire should be out before the end of the week, so check the downloads section.


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